Tonight the boys got their first real taste of their costumes for Story Time: Halloween Edition. Liam's been resisting the idea for a few weeks now, saying he doesn't want to wear the costume (though he does want the candy, surprisingly enough) but once he saw himself in the mirror all dressed up, he changed his tune. By the end of the evening, he said that he didn't ever want to take his dinosaur (or dragon, take your pick) costume off. Max, on the other hand, wasn't quite as happy with his second-ever Halloween costume and kept trying to take it off. He makes quite a cute monkey, though, doesn't he?

The actual story portion of story time was limited to only one book tonight, so the kids could enjoy a Halloween party complete with all kinds of food, stickers, and even books for them to keep. It was very exciting. Who knew that dinosaurs and monkeys were such fans of string cheese?

After the party, all the costumed kids formed a parade and walked all through the library (quite a big place, takes up the whole block) so that all the librarians and patrons could see them in all their glory. We had quite a time, and it was nice to have the chance to get them used to their costumes a little bit before tomorrow's big outing.

1 comment:
Hey, story time has really turned into an event the boys can enjoy--that's great! And the Halloween march through the library--how awesome. Tee hee hee! As a wife of a librarian I find it particularly entertaining!
Max is killer-cute in his monkey costume! And I love Liam's dragon claws and feet!
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