Tuesday, May 29, 2007

gone goldfishin'

The boys were playing in the dining room, and I was at the desk working on a grocery list. My spidey sense was tingling. It had been quiet for a while -- too quiet. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from both of them. So I snuck around the corner with the camera, not sure what mayhem I would find, and came upon this scene:

Liam had found a bag of goldfish crackers and decided to help himself -- and his brother. But instead of just handing Max a goldfish and letting him eat it, he was tossing them up in the air and trying to get Max to catch them, like he was tossing doggie treats or something. And Max was loving it. They were both laughing hysterically and were bummed when I broke up the fun by putting the goldfish safely back in the kitchen.

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