Tuesday, May 15, 2007

cool shades

I took the boys to the shoe store (or, as Liam kept calling it, the "shoebox") this weekend to get sandals. Sadly, the sandals gave Liam blisters, so he hasn't worn them since, despite the big heat wave around here. But while we were at the shoebox, Liam picked out a pair of Spider-man sunglasses. It's funny how attached he is to them so quickly. Take a look at the day:

Fresh out of the shoebox, Liam insists that he put on his glasses right away:

Once we got home, he refused to take his nap without them. We thought he was going to acutally sleep wearing them, but he was satisfied just holding them:

When he woke up from his nap he immediately put the glasses back on so he could look cool while eating an afternoon snack of cheerios:

Luckily, in Liam's world, even the cool kids get to enjoy the simple pleasure of swinging without feeling dorky:

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