Sunday, December 11, 2011

chillin' at the zoo

This year, we, along with our collective siblings, decided that we would much rather ditch the gift exchanges in favor of spending quality time together. This makes me very happy, and to go all Charlie Brown on you for a minute, I think it helps us appreciate the holiday even more. To that end, we all hopped in the van and headed to scenic Brookfield, Illinois, to take the kids to the zoo with Johnny, Erin, and Lucy. Grandpa Kevin was able to join us, too. It was a cold day, but we all bundled up and spent a couple of hours wandering around. A really nice side effect of it being so cold was that there were hardly any other people there, so we could let the kids run a little more freely outside. Max was all about seeing the giraffes, and Liam loved the monkey house. Henry mostly just loved running away from us whenever possible.

After we wore the kids out at the zoo, we headed back to Johnny and Erin's house for a late lunch, during which Max discovered a deep and abiding love for Pillsbury crescent rolls. Then we let the kids open presents, which was a big hit, and just hung out for a little while. Usually when we see them, it's for a family function or in a more purposeful context, so it was good to just spend time together with no particular agenda in mind. Just a nice, fairly relaxing day.

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