Tuesday, December 20, 2011

birthday fortune

We got Chinese for lunch today, and I thought I'd look to the fortune cookie instead of a birthday horoscope to guide me through the upcoming year. And then I opened the cookie:

Hardly anyone knows how much is gained by ignoring the future.

Ummmm, okay then. So I should ignore the future? And I will gain something? I think someone at the fortune cookie plant ran out of things to say that were sufficiently obscure but still made a reasonable amount of sense. With that in mind, I opened up another cookie, seeking something a little more concrete.

Face facts with dignity.

Well, it's specific for sure. And as I face the fact of my 37th birthday, I will do so with dignity ... yeah, right. Because I am so very dignified. Forget that. I'm heading into my 37th year with JOY. I'm going to spend it playing games with my boys, spending time with my husband, and maybe even squeezing in some time for myself. I'm going to spend it laughing — a lot! — with the people who matter the most to me. So get ready.

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