Sunday, August 10, 2008

i think i was misled

Several friends truthfully told me that three was a harder age than two. They were totally right -- the fits and temper tantrums were way worse for Liam as a three-year-old, and probably not helped by moving states and switching schools right before his birthday. But these same friends assured me that four is the age at which things get easier. So, friends, cough it up: when during the fourth year? Liam has been four for nearly two months, and if anything, his behavior has gotten worse. He bursts into tears at the least provocation (for example, if he doesn't have the right color lid on his sippy cup; or if I put a lid on when he wanted to use the cup without one) and fights with Max at the drop of a hat. For the last week, he's just been out of control. We've given him timeouts, we've given him chances to make better choices and get rewarded with things that he wants, we've taken away things that he wants when he's rotten, and now we're not sure what else to do. So, friends who told me four was better, ease my mind. Drop a comment in to tell me when during that year your son or daughter stopped being so temperamental and touchy.


Darcy said...

Yeah, I'm not helping. Four has been the worst. Twos were great for us. Threes, a little more challenging. Four has been horrid. And it's even worse with a sibling. I'm finding that the bossiness, the lack of sharing, the blatant, "NO!", and the all-around attitude bite. I've already said that I'm so dreading the teenage years if this is how she's going to be.

So basically, you're not alone. I'm just going to hold out and hope five is better. :)

Lucky1304 said...

No help here. Ella is a terror lately. Calling everyone stupid and mean. Telling me she hates me or hates Sadie. Telling me that I love Sadie better than her and that I think she's stupid. I've got nothing.

The only wisdom I can offer is that it doesn't seem to be about the age. We have better periods and we have worse periods. Sometimes things will be so peaceful that I'll forget why I found things so difficult. Other times, I am so frustrated that I'm convince my child has some sort of major personality disorder.

Lately, Ella acts like a teenager (attitude and all). I'm out of ideas. Time outs don't work. Taking television away one day seemed to. But that's like a punishment for US too....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry 4 isn't better--but I promise it will get better. Even though 4 was much easier for us, I always found the first 6 months after turning the next age to be a bit more difficult than the last 6 months. But unfortunately I have a bit of bad news--it is never easy to be a parent. If it's not one thing, it's another. Though it sounds trite, it's really true. Just a good thing they're cute!

Anonymous said...

Let's see....temperamental and're 33 and Bethany's 31,J's 19 and Avalon's 17.....IT NEVER STOPS.NO END.NEVER. I'm 51. Ask Gram if I've mellowed out at all. I think you know the answer.