Saturday, August 08, 2020

covid diary: day 152

 We interrupt this deadline-induced hiatus with a special news brief. 

One of my cousins has tested positive, so Liam and I went to get tested today. We have both only had minimal direct exposure to her (a ride home from tennis for Liam, a walk on the pasture trails for me), BUT her mom and I share rides to and from tennis practice, and her brother plays tennis with Liam. So we thought it would be the safest thing to go get tested.

Which leaves us in an interesting quandary, because now what do we do about tennis while we wait for results? His risk seems quite low, but it also seems pretty irresponsible to send him to practice while he's got a test pending. I have a dentist appointment Tuesday, but I can reschedule that for later. And Mike will have to take Max to get his cast put on, and in the meantime, Liam and I will have to stay away from Mike and Max and Henry. Ugh. This whole thing is a quagmire.

I should be clear: No one from either family has any symptoms. We're just being cautious, because caution seems warranted in these pandemic times.

On the plus side, the test was uncomfortable but not unbearable. And if the lab doesn't get backed up, we should have results in three to five business days. 

Stay tuned.

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