Monday, August 03, 2020

covid diary: day 147

foggiest morning

Dull moments? What are those?

Today was the first day of official team tennis practice (thus far, he's been playing summer league and doing team conditioning). Laura dropped Liam and Jimmy off bright and early at 7, and I picked them up at 9. And that's where the trouble started.

About 90 minutes into practice, Liam started getting a migraine, and by the time I got there to pick them up, he was in bad shape. I dropped Jimmy off at his house and brought Liam home, and started following the protocol the pediatrician gave us: 800 mg of ibuprofen, and if that doesn't knock it out within an hour, he gets a dose of prescription migraine medicine. So he took the ibuprofen and went upstairs to lay down.

Which was great for 20 minutes, until he started vomiting. Ummmmmmm did that mean the whole protocol was out the window since the ibuprofen didn't have time to be fully ingested? I called the pediatrician's office to find out. Turns out that Nurse Jonna also suffers from migraines, so she has been my best friend today. She said to let him sleep until 11 and then call her back, and we would figure out a new plan based on where he was by then. Which, again, worked great for 20 minutes until he started vomiting again.

By 11 he was feeling a little bit better, so Nurse Jonna gave me the go-ahead to give him the prescription medicine if he could keep down a piece of toast. So I made him a piece of dry toast (he wanted it dry; I would have put butter on it, or even cinnamon sugar). Friends, I have never seen Liam eat more slowly in all his 16 years and 34 days on this earth. Not once. But he managed to get that toast down, and keep it down for 15 minutes, and I gave him the medicine, and now he's sleeping again. Hopefully when he wakes up, his head will be better. Nurse Jonna did lay down the law though, and he has to stay home from practice this afternoon because even if he feels better by 4, being out in the sun and exercising will trigger the whole thing to start over again. So I guess we wait and see how he's feeling in the morning.

Update, 9:43 p.m. Liam is back to normal! The prescription medicine knocked out his headache, and he came downstairs around 3:30 and ate a whole meal. He spent the evening plotting with his friends for the upcoming slumber party, at which there is apparently going to be an EPIC Nerf battle. He pooled together all his resources and ordered a considerable amount of Nerf weaponry to order online, and he's practically vibrating with excitement. He's under strict orders to go to bed soon though, because that early morning practice will be here before he knows it.

Nationwide cases: 4,712,405. Deaths: 155,379.

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