Tuesday, March 14, 2017

in a lull

 Friends, there hasn't been much of interest to report on lately. We've all been saying that we're exhausted and sore and wondering if we're coming down with something (I mean, for weeks now!), but I think the truth is we're all suffering from some sort of seasonal malaise. Nobody has wanted to go hiking or have any adventures (trust me, I've offered). Mostly, we all just want to sit around and watch TV and take naps (and occasionally bake cookies).

The one bright spot lately has been that the boys have spent a ton of time at my mom and dad's house. Now that she's retired, my mom is rediscovering the joys of being a grandma, and she's done things like pick them up on Presidents Day and take them to her house for a "work day" (cleaning windows and helping with Jack) so I wouldn't have to worry about breaking up fights during my own workday. Henry has a reward program at school, where he earns stickers and then gets to choose a time-based reward. He usually chooses to have us take him (sans brothers) to the local ice cream parlor for a scoop of his favorite (Graham Central Station), but last week he asked if he could have time with Yami and Papaw instead, so he got to spend the night and a whole Sunday there, running back and forth between my parents' house, where he helped my dad with the "dirty work" of digging up stumps, and Bethany's house, where he helped feed the animals (which include a new cow and five new goats). And just last night (yes, on a school night!) Max got to spend the night there, along with some time playing in the snow with Jack, because my mom saved my bacon by taking him to the orthodontist this morning.

Spring is coming, or so I'm told, and adventures await us soon, but in the meantime, please excuse our lack of anything truly fun to post about.

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