Thursday, March 09, 2017

dora, 2002-2017

After Mike and I had been dating for a while and had gotten used to having Greta around, we decided it was time for another kitten, so back we went to my parents' farm, where conveniently, Greta's mom, Tina, had just had another litter, and we brought Dora back home to my tiny apartment. After some initial skepticism on both sides, the two cats got along really well, though I can't say it went so smoothly once we started introducing kids and a dog to the mix.

Like I said, Dora and Greta really liked each other, but other than that, the only creature Dora really liked was Mike. Actually, liked is not a strong enough word. Dora loved Mike, enough so that whenever possible, she was right there to rub against him and demand to be petted. Enough that she would brave entering a room that also contained one of the boys, or the dog. She put up with me, but Mike was her person from the start.

This year has been rough for Dora. She was getting older and had lost her best friend, and she was physically going downhill. Eventually, we had to make the painful decision that it was her time to go, and this weekend, Mike and I took her to the vet for the last time and stayed with her until the very end. It was hard, and we will miss her, but it's comforting to know that she had a long and good life with her sister, her person, and some other humans she mostly tolerated. Rest in peace, Dora.

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