Monday, September 12, 2016

sunset shelling

Like any good nerds, we did some research before we left home, and we discovered that there are a couple of good beaches for finding shark teeth. The boys were pretty excited about that, so we decided to go to Manasota Beach to watch the sunset and see what we could find. The results were mixed. On the plus side, we got there just after a storm so there was ample parking and we had the beach mostly to ourselves. Plus the storm made the sky do really beautiful things, including the weird dark effect of the storm clouds rolling through, and a rainbow that was on the land side of the beach. On the minus side, no shark teeth were found. We did, however, find a giant swarm of no-see-ums, also known as sand fleas. I took the worst hit, with (I'm not exaggerating) probably a hundred bites on each leg and a dozen on each arm. The problem was that I was standing too far up the beach, close to the vegetation, so I could take pictures. Mike and the boys fared better along the shore, but as the sun went down, the bugs started feasting on them too. And then of course we had to do the obligatory Fort vacation rush back to the car/shelter/anywhere that wasn't infested. And then we had to drive to the pharmacy to get Benadryl for poor Henry. But hey, the pictures turned out great!

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