Monday, September 12, 2016

sarasota sunrise

I know, I know, the Gulf Coast of Florida is for sunsets, not sunrises. But it's kind of my thing. Whenever we go on vacation, I get up and take whoever is willing to get up with me to go out and watch the sun come up. It's something that I rarely get to do at home, because even though I am generally up before the sun, I'm stuck inside working, so I don't get to see it. And there's something really wonderful to me about having that time with one or more of my boys, that quiet before the trials of the day (yes, even on vacation there are trials). Watching the sun rise has come to be one of my favorite things about traveling.

So this morning, Liam was my eager companion, and it was a little bit of a challenge to find a good place to watch. But I did some research the night before, so in the morning we headed just across the bridge to Siesta Key, where there's a small bayfront park that faces east, back toward Sarasota. I think you'll agree that the effort was well worth it; this sunrise was spectacular.

After we got our fill of watching the sun come up, Liam and I decided to make a quick detour to Siesta Key Beach, which has been named the #1 beach in the country by ... some publication or another. When we got there, it was still just coming to life for the day, and we watched with interest as workers drove a John Deere up and down the beach to rake it in preparation for the day's sunbathers. We did a little shelling, and came up with a pretty decent haul of augers and olives, but mostly we just walked along the beach and enjoyed the calm.

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