Sunday, July 03, 2016

call of the wild

Today I was out cleaning the van. A lovely way to spend a holiday weekend, right? The boys had left a half-full plastic bottle of milk in one of the seat-back pouches way in the back, so it took a number of days, but it finally did its thing enough that I could smell it in the front (gag!), so something had to be done. I cleaned out all the crap in the van (have I mentioned that the boys seem to think of it as their own rolling dumpster?), then I vacuumed, dusted with odor powder, vacuumed again, found some cloth and upholstery cleaning stuff in the garage, scrubbed all the stains, scrubbed the seat pouch half a dozen times, and vacuumed again. So we'll see.

Anyway, somewhere in the middle of that whole-afternoon extravaganza, I heard Mike and the boys getting excited about something out in the yard. I went out, and here is what I found:

They were looking at hawks!! This one in the pine tree was calling to another one sitting on a power line by the alley. We have hawks! It's *almost* enough to make up for the nastiness of the van. Okay, it's really not, but I'm trying to look on the bright side here, people.

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