Monday, January 04, 2016

james and the giant peach

by Max

Yesterday, Mom and I went to see the play James and the Giant Peach. Two of my cousins were in the play. My cousin Jenna played Aunt Spiker, and my cousin Jayci played James. So Mom and I went all the way to Naperville to see this play. First we went to pick up Aunt Erin and Lucy and baby Jesse. Then after another 45 minutes we arrived at the play. Then we went and got our spots and we waited another 20 minutes for the show to start. Finally! The play started.

In the play James's parents die because a wild rhino escapes from a zoo and eats them. So now he has to live with his mean aunts, Spiker and Sponge, who make him work all day. After that, James has to cut peaches off the peach tree but then he finds a weird wizard who shows him a book of spells and potions and helps him make a potion. When James uses the potion it makes the peach huge (unfortunately the inflatable peach popped). Then Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge think that they have struck it rich when they see the peach "We will be famous for growing the world's largest peach," Aunt Sponge says. Then a ton of people come to see the the peach, and everyone starts singing a song about how rich Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge are. Then James says that they should thank him because he made the peach so big but Aunt Sponge says he is a huge liar and that he has to sleep outside.

During the intermission, I got to eat a chocolate bar and hold my baby cousin Jesse. After intermission the peach falls off the tree and James is in it. The peach rolls down the hill through the Willy Wonka factory and into the sea. Then James meets five bugs: Centipede, Earthworm, Ladybug, Spider, and Grasshopper. They become good friends, all except Centipede. Centipede hates humans because they kill bugs. Grasshopper notices something in the water and they are sharks bum bum bummm! James comes up with a plan pretty fast. He uses Earthworm as bait and gets the seagulls to come down, then Spider ties a web to their necks so they can carry them and the peach. After that James sees land and they see Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They land right on Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. That was the end of the play.

Next we got to meet the characters so I got my picture taken with Jenna and Jayci. Last we went to Trader Joe's and got bread and fancy cheese, then I got a giant burrito at Chipotle. Then we made the long drive back home and it started snowing, and this morning we have about three inches of snow outside. I'm off to shovel now!    


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