Saturday, January 09, 2016

dinner with gramps, part 2

Last night was Max's turn to have dinner with his great-grandpa. We went to Symphony, a little restaurant by the park, where Gramps is a frequent diner. Max, of course, got a calamari appetizer for his dinner, then was still hungry and ended up eating half of my omelet. Gramps was brave and tried the seafood pasta, despite the fact that nobody could tell him what *kind* of seafood it was, other than "very good." It turned out to be some kind of seafood hash, and not good. And when the manager/owner came to ask him how it was, he was so deadpan smooth. "It's not the best thing I've tried here." I can never re-create his delivery, so you'll have to trust me that it was awesome and I hope to be that cool when I grow up.

Anyway, the topic of the night was travel. Max is so interested in going places, and Grandpa has been to them all, so it was a perfect match. Grandpa told us about the many trips he and Gram took to Las Vegas, his favorite destination for taking in a show and playing the tables. ("But that's not all we did! We made sure to go to museums and cultural attractions too, you know.") He told us about the times they went to Europe ("I would have rather been home working in the yard, but Bev loved it there.") and their travels around the country with a dozen kids. And even better, he asked Max about HIS travels and took the time to listen to him and engage with what he was saying. It might surprise you (it surprised me!) to know this, but Max was way more talkative and outgoing than Liam was last week. It is pretty uncharacteristic for Liam to be the shy one, and way more characteristic for Max to play it close to the vest, but he was just basking in being able to hang out and talk with Grandpa.

Of course, it didn't hurt that I bought him a milkshake after we dropped Grandpa off because he was still hungry ...

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