Wednesday, February 01, 2012

oh, henry!

We've talked it over, and Mike and I agree that neither of the older boys was as expressly, exuberantly "two" as Henry is. The child is constantly in motion, usually in a direction that only leads to trouble. Nothing is safe anymore. I used to be able to put my keys and other items I didn't want Henry to get on top of my filing cabinet, but now he's figured out that he can simply climb the handles of each drawer as if they made a ladder sized just for him. He only gets a pacifier at naptime, so we keep them up in a high cabinet in the kitchen; Henry's solution to this is to simply pull up a chair and climb up and get them.

Yesterday, I moved the pacifiers to the top of the fridge, thinking that might foil him for a minute or two. When he got home that night, he waited until he thought I was occupied with something else, then he "stealthily" dragged his chair from the dining room into the kitchen. I could hear him making little noises of confusion, so I stood just outside the doorway and looked in. Henry was standing on the counter with the upper cabinet door wide open, rooting through everything in the cabinet in search of a pacifier. When he saw me, he demanded, "Mommy, where are my pacis? Mommy, you get my pacis now!" Surprisingly, it took all the way until the next day before he spotted the bowl of pacifiers up on the fridge. I'm sure tonight I will walk into the kitchen to find my youngest perched up on top of the fridge, making a bowl with his shirt bottom, trying to liberate as many of the pacifiers as he can before he gets caught (or falls down).

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