Tuesday, August 10, 2010

henry at 11 months

He's got teeth and he's not afraid to use them! So far, Henry has gotten his two bottom teeth in, and one of his new favorite pastimes is gnawing on everything in sight (something he has in common with Charlie). He is still doing the army crawl, but he's really fast, and before we know it, he's across two rooms and has pulled himself up and is standing at the gate to taunt the puppy beyond. Once or twice, he's managed to stand by himself for a few seconds, and he's definitely cruising along all the furniture, so walking isn't too far in his future.

The biggest thing about Henry is that he's just so happy with life. He wakes up every morning and sings a happy babble song until I come get him, and he smiles and laughs his way through each day. Mike and I are both fairly cheerful people, but Henry amplifies it to an incredible degree. It's so fun just to watch him.

Next up is the one-year mark. Max has become convinced that once he hits his birthday, Henry will magically be able to talk to us. I keep trying to tell him that's it's one word at a time for a while, but I don't think the message is getting through. I guess Max just can't wait to have a deep and compelling conversation with his little brother, probably about their shared love for watching Mario Bros. video games.

Keep scrolling for some more pictures of our very mobile little man.

Previously: one month, two months, three months, four months, five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, 10 months.

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