Wednesday, July 14, 2010

henry at 10 months

One morning, not too long ago, I woke up to hear this strange clacking noise. Clack clack clack clack! I fumbled to put on my glasses, and here's what I saw:

Uh-oh, time to lower the crib mattress! And he's not just pulling up to be on his knees: on his actual 10-month birthday, Henry pulled himself up to standing, holding on to one of his brother's small chairs. Then he stood there and screamed because he didn't know what to do next, while his brothers alternated between laughing hysterically at the baby and yelling for me to come and help.

Henry is really developing by leaps and bounds. His first tooth is in -- and sharp! He waves happily to everyone, and just this morning, he started saying "Hi" while waving -- his first official word. [Side note: I guess getting one of the three to say "mama" as the first word isn't terrible. Liam said "mama" first, while Max's first word continues to be his favorite: "no!"]

The separation anxiety hasn't eased much, and now he's doing the same thing with his teacher at daycare, who he is very attached to. It won't be long before she goes on maternity leave, so it'll be interesting to see how Henry reacts to school without her. On the other hand, he's getting much better at entertaining himself, motoring around the house, finding all sorts of trouble. We've cleared off the bottom shelves of the CD fixture, and I'm afraid it won't be long before we have to do the same with the big bookcases since I keep finding books scattered all over the floor. Then again, maybe it's just a very advanced peek at his future love of reading. Hey, a mom can dream, right?

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