Thursday, April 16, 2009

life in the vomitorium, or: it was almost a good day

Today was a big day around here. This afternoon, we took Liam to Kindergarten Round-Up, where he was tested on basic skills (he said he knew all of the answers, but I'm not surprised since they only asked the kids to identify colors, shapes, letters, and numbers) while we were tested by having to sit on stools designed for small people for an hour while listening to the many (many!) rules for school protocol. Overall, it went pretty well. I'm not at all emotional about it now, but come August 19, I may change that tune.

Later in the afternoon, we headed off to a hot and sunny soccer practice. It was a really nice day, and I should have had the foresight to (a) put the boys in shorts, (b) bring sunscreen, and (c) find some sort of large-brimmed hat to keep the sun from burning my (very sensitive) face. Luckily, I did have the foresight to bring giant bottles of ice water for the boys, which Max sipped happily as we watched practice, and Liam guzzled as often as he could sneak away from the field.

After practice, it was home for dinner. Miraculously, the boys both ate well, even Max, who usually takes two bites and then announces that he's done (and then asks for a treat, of course). Loni came over, and things seemed to be going fine ... until after baths when it was time for them to go upstairs, and Max promptly vomited all over his room and the hallway. I won't give you the details, but suffice it to say that both boys were fascinated with telling me about the consistency, color, and odor of each of the specimens, and speculating on which thing Max must have had to eat or drink to cause these effects. Ugh. So now it's 10:30 and both boys are downstairs. Liam's asleep in his sleeping bag on the floor behind me, while Max is on the couch with a towel underneath him and a bucket at the ready, still awake and whisper-singing so he doesn't get into trouble for not going to sleep. I have a feeling this may end up being a long night for the whole family...

P.S. Apparently Klaudia and Emma are also sick today, so watch out, family: I'm starting to suspect that this bug is a little something extra the kids picked up during the Easter egg hunt on Sunday!

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