Tuesday, April 14, 2009

circus forticus: now with more ... um, forticus

So the Easter Bunny brought bonus baskets to my parents' house on Sunday: one for Liam, one for Max, and one for their new sibling, who will make his or her arrival in early October. The boys are pretty excited about the prospect of having a new baby to play with. To be fair, it's Liam who is really excited and impatient. We're not really sure that Max has entirely grasped the concept. What we do know is that both boys are totally jealous of the baby's Easter gift, a sock monkey jack in the box. I'm hoping they stop fighting over who gets to play with it by the time the baby is ready to play with it ... oh, who am I kidding?


mike said...

it should be noted that neither max nor liam has ever had a jack-in-the-box, so that might help explain the novelty.

Anonymous said...

is the oranage juice glass getting more fuller