Wednesday, October 11, 2006

scary liam and the blown-out candles

The birthday celebration went well. We thoroughly enjoyed the pizza, and when it came time for the cake we were all full, but only Liam had the sense to refuse his cake. Mike and I had a few bites of ours and spent the rest of the night overstuffed. Check out these videos from the celebration. The first and second are of Liam blowing out the candles--he insisted on doing it as many times as we would light the candles for him. And the third is a new game we like to call Scary Liam.

In other news, on day 3 of the sterilize-everything ordinance to keep Max's thrush from spreading, we discovered that the following things do not boil well: a plastic Elmo car, which ended up with funny curving axles, and the lid to the boys' shape sorter, which now has charred edges and a trippy warped shape. The Big Bird plastic car, however, survived the boiling and lives to be slobbered on another day.

1 comment:

Miss Val said...

That is too funny! Poor Melmo's car!