Friday, October 13, 2006

the good, the bad, and the unyee

Yesterday was the first really cold morning of the season, so we busted out the winter gear. Liam wouldn't cooperate for photos, but Max seemed happy enough to pose with his father.

Tonight after we got home, Liam decided to rummage around in the fridge for a snack. After a minute or so, he came in holding a Bass Ale in one hand and a Miller Lite in the other. "Daddy's beer," he informed me. He offered the beer to Mike, who declined on account of he had one already, so Liam put them back away and rummaged around again. This time he came back with a Sprite in one hand ("Mommy's water") and a tupperware container with an onion. "Liam's unyee, Mommy! Liam's unyee!" What else could a mother do but ask if he wanted a bite? So I gave him a small piece, then he kept demanding "More unyee, Mommy! More unyee!" and I gave him increasingly large pieces until he ended up with this:

Oh, delicious unyee!

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