Wednesday, August 09, 2023

first day of school!

 My, how far we've come! Fully back around to the first day of school again. It truly does seem like yesterday when Max started kindergarten, and now here we are at the beginning of his senior year of high school. And let's not even get into baby bro Henry starting 8th grade. Time: What even is it?

Max must have been excited to go back to school, because he was awake as soon as Liam's alarm went off at 4 this morning (early shift at the factory is rough!), so he got up and talked to Liam until it was time for Liam to leave for work. I left for the pool around 5:40, and Max's light was on but Henry's was not, but by the time I got home at 7, both of them were up and dressed and ready to go. Before they took off, though, they were kind enough to indulge me in taking some pictures. (Where kind enough = I had the car keys in my pocket, so good luck leaving before I was satisfied, boys!)

P.S. Don't Mike's sunflowers look great? So cheerful, even on a foggy morning.

UPDATE: Upon returning home, Max reported that calculus 2 is "easily the greatest class of all time." Henry says he had an "overall decent" day, and that he's looking forward to STEM class. Oh, and that he's going to the dance on Friday. "Obviously."

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