Monday, December 07, 2020

surprise, surprise

School called this afternoon. It turns out that Henry is a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19, so he has to quarantine at home for the next two weeks. We knew it was only a matter of time, but still, this sucks. He says the close contact is the kid who sits next to him at lunch, and if they just found out her test results this afternoon, it stands to reason that she got tested sometime at the end of last week, which means Henry is four or five days into being exposed (and if he was exposed, he has definitely exposed the rest of us in the meantime). I'll take him to get tested later this week (or earlier, if he develops symptoms). He is not very happy right now.

Meanwhile, all of us are tired, and I don't just mean tired of the pandemic. Most days the boys go up and take naps when they get home from school. Some days I do too. Friday, Max came home from school, had a snack, and went up to take a nap ... and didn't wake up until Saturday morning. At which point he had a cup of coffee, talked to me for a few minutes, then decided he was still really tired and went back to sleep until early afternoon. Yesterday, I felt a little off after lunch, so I went up to lay down ... and ended up sleeping for FOUR hours. Henry also took a long nap yesterday and woke up feeling completely out of sorts. I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's definitely not the norm.

Having said that, some things are still pretty normal. Like Saturday afternoon when I sent the boys out to hang ornaments on the tree in the driveway, and they ended up having sword fights with the stakes we use to mark the driveway in the winter. See? Who could have predicted that would happen? (Me. I predicted it. Which is why I also had them put the stakes in the ground that afternoon.)

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