Tuesday, September 15, 2020

covid: ides of september edition

Political season is upon us, friends, which means I am slammed slammed slammed at work every day. Political ads galore. I'm wrapping up a couple of side projects for work too, so I've been spending a lot of time chained to my desk.

Which obviously makes this the perfect time to tear some things out of the kitchen, namely that ugly-ass decorative tile backsplash. I've spent the past few days with mallet and chisel, patiently (ha! not so patiently) chipping away at each individual mortared-in piece, and I've got about half the walls done. Credit to Liam, though, because I'm too short and too boobalicious to reach the corner, so he was kind enough to remove those tiles for me. It's a big project, but honestly, it will make me feel better just to get *something* done. I feel like we've been treading water all year, and barely at that, so any movement in a forward direction is worth this residual soreness, not to mention all the sanding and mudding and painting in my future.

Yes, it's ridiculous. Yes, I'm doing it anyway.

In other news, we're running lots of countdowns around here.

13 days until Liam gets his license

14 days until the last tennis match of the regular season

27 days until the boys (probably) go back to in-person school

31 days until we leave for vacation (!!!)

49 days until the election

Plus an endless number of days until life goes back to something resembling normal. 

Counting down is so much more satisfying than counting up the number of days in this endless, relentless pandemic hellscape, don't you think? At least some things have an endpoint.

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