Wednesday, September 30, 2020

and he's off!

On Monday, Liam officially turned 16 and 90 days, but the BMV is closed on Mondays, so yesterday I rescheduled my workday (somehow scheduling myself for like 14 hours of work in one day in the process) so I could take him during his study hall/lunch break.

We already had all the paperwork done, but of course I am always suspicious when it comes to the BMV because those picky bastards seem to take real joy in telling me I need a copy of my light bill from two addresses ago, along with a lock of hair from my mother's cat and a lucky penny found near a beaver dam by the light of the full moon. Seriously, it took me *three* tries to satisfy them with enough documents before they would issue me a Real ID. What's up with that? Anyway, I dug out passports, Social Security cards, birth certificates, and proof of address for us both, along with a marriage license for me, just in case.

And so of course it turned out that we didn't need any of that stuff because we already provided it when he got his permit back in February. (But mark my words: If I hadn't brought all of that, they definitely would have asked me for it!!) So all we had to do was wait in a long line (for Plymouth) and try to distance ourselves from other people as best we could until it was his turn. But then it was just bing bong boom. A couple signatures and $17.50 later, and we were on our way.

Liam brought me back home to get back to work, then he and Max headed out to pick up Jimmy John's for lunch. And then he drove himself to and from school for his tennis match last night. 

I'm sensing increased freedom for us all!


UPDATE: Liam has already figured out how to monetize having his license. After extensive machinations, he talked each of his brothers into giving him $10 to stop at DQ for blizzards on his way home from his tennis match tonight. That's $5 for the blizzard, and $5 for Liam's commission. Times two. These kids, I'm telling you!

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