Friday, March 20, 2020

covid diary: day 10

The boys did an extra cursive lesson last night because at midnight, a new game released, and they wanted to clear the decks for nonstop playing since there's no elearning today. Luckily, Liam asked for the preorder of the game for Christmas, and that's what he got from my parents, so they had this to look forward to. But first they had to tackle the hurdle of a, d, and c.

Meanwhile, life keeps going. Work has been very slow for me, and it's a little worrisome, but I'm trying to just keep my head down and focus on getting through this. Everyone else is struggling too, and this is going to get far worse before it gets better. I'm glad we're at the end of the workweek, so we can have a couple of days to decompress a little bit and just be together. I worry every day about Mike going in to work because I don't think many of his coworkers are interested in taking appropriate precautions (in fact, one of his supervisors is married to a person awaiting results from a COVID-19 test, and that supervisor keeps saying dumb shit like "it won't affect most people, everything's fine, I can still come to work"). True, "most" people will experience mild symptoms, but the point is to prevent it from spreading to protect the people who will experience more than that. There's so much disinformation coming from the top that people don't really know what to believe, so they choose to believe whatever allows them to continue on with business as usual. Which, of course, is exactly what's causing this seemingly unstoppable spread.

I don't have much in the way of hopeful words today, so I'll just leave it at that.

National cases: 19, 716. Deaths: 274

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