Monday, August 05, 2019

well that was weird

Liam had tennis practice this morning, so I had to sneak away from work to go pick him up. I was in a hurry, so I almost missed that I was behind this truck:

Do you recognize that patio? I see it every day. That's right, it's our actual patio! With our actual patio furniture! And our actual pasture. We're stone celebrities! Seriously, though, it was deeply weird to be stuck at a light behind this truck, thinking, "Wow, that's a nice patio. They must do nice work. Wait a second ... that patio is awfully familiar." Once I started thinking about it, it made a lot more sense, because the man who used to live here works at a company that manufactures these vehicle graphics, so I'm guessing the advertising was part of the deal when they had the patio put in. Still, disconcerting, to say the least!

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