Saturday, June 15, 2019

james and carleen are married!

Awww, my little brother got married today! We are so happy for him, and delighted to formally welcome Carleen to the family. These two are great together, and we wish them a lifetime of happiness.

This also marks the first time the boys got to be in a wedding. They all served as ushers, so we had a fun time getting everyone outfitted and adding our own special touches to their ensembles. My mom suggested the shoes, which I think was brilliant because (a) the boys were so much more comfortable than they would have been in dress shoes, (b) it added some real character to their outfits, and (c) they will wear the shoes after today as everyday shoes, which they wouldn't have been able to do with dress shoes. Anyway, the boys took their jobs very seriously, and were attentive and gentlemanly as they escorted all the guests to their seats.

The wedding itself was supposed to be outside, but rain interfered with that plan so they had the wedding in the reception hall instead. It was a beautiful ceremony performed by Kent, so it reminded me of my own wedding, which was a first for me, Mike, AND Kent. We had a great time catching up with family and friends, too. Plus, J and Carleen rented a mobile photo booth thing for the reception, so we had some fun clowning around too. Check us out!


Bonus: At the rehearsal yesterday, we made this shocking discovery: Liam is taller than J! This is not a drill, people. Liam is now officially the tallest on both sides of his family (only counting immediate family, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and first cousins ... I still have a couple of cousins who are taller than him, but just barely).

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