Saturday, June 08, 2019

drive time

Today we left behind the world of blown well tanks and coffee spilled on keyboards, loaded up, and headed out for Vacation Land (population 5). We left Thunder and Pluto behind in care of Dylan, aka the best dog/house sitter ever (doggos were thrilled!), and hit the road early. There's not much to say about the drive itself except it was very long. We stopped every couple of hours to eat/fuel/walk around, and about 11 and a half hours of drive time later, we made it to our first stop: Mitchell, South Dakota.

Mitchell is home to the Corn Palace, and also right along the way we were taking anyway. Mike wasn't terribly thrilled about stopping at a kitschy monument to a foodstuff he doesn't even like, but he indulged us, so we walked around and checked out the corn murals and bought a few souvenirs.

After that, it was a "quick" three hours to our home for the night in Wall, South Dakota. We thought we would go have dinner at Wall Drug, another kitschy kitschy roadside must-stop, but when we got there, we discovered that it was maybe not the place for us. It was big and sprawling and confusing, and also quite expensive. So we ended up getting Subway for dinner. All's well that ends well, right? We did buy some souvenirs, though, and spend plenty of time exploring the sculpture garden.


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