Sunday, May 05, 2019

front porch

I've been on a mission to bring more color into our lives. The front porch has pretty much been empty since we moved in almost a year ago, so it made the perfect target. The table and chairs were out in the barn (left by the previous owner), and I cleaned off the rust and painted them. The wicker elephant was at our old house too, but it also got a fresh paint job. I got the rug and chair cushions very inexpensively online (gotta love that Kohl's cash!). The biggest change is the front door, which I painted a bright blue. I think I will end up painting the screen door too, but I'm really happy with the way this is shaping up. It helps that we have flowers coming up too! Eventually, the plan is to plant a small Japanese maple right behind where the grape hyacinths are, but one step at a time.

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