Tuesday, September 11, 2018

introducing thunder

Of the two of us, I am definitely without a doubt most certainly more impulsive than Mike is. But even I'm not impulsive enough to just go and adopt another dog out of the blue, right? Right?

Well, sort of.

We've been talking about getting a second dog for a while, but we wanted to wait until our fence was in (though at this point, I'm not sure when that will happen with all the delays) and things settled down around here a little. But last weekend, I saw some pictures of a dog at the humane society who looks like a cow, and I kind of fell in love. I looked at the pictures a bazillion times. The boys looked at the pictures and ooohed and aahed. My parents and sisters looked at the pictures and encouraged me to call the humane society. Mike looked at the pictures ... then said he looked interesting and went back to what he was doing.

So Monday afternoon, I made a detour on the way home from school. I figured Max, Henry, and I would go to the humane society, meet this dog (and others), maybe fill out an application so we would be ready when the time came. I honestly thought I would meet him, like him, but be cured of the impulse to bring him home. HA. I did manage to come home with no additional dogs, but I arranged to bring Pluto over to see if they would get along. Amazingly, once I told Mike about him, he decided that he would take the afternoon off work today and we could introduce the dogs together.

And that was pretty much all she wrote because Pluto and Thunder made the decision for us by becoming instant and irrevocable best friends. Thunder seemed to really like Mike, and vice versa, but really Pluto had the deciding vote all along because nobody wants to have two dogs who don't like each other.

With that lengthy explanation out of the way, I present Thunder. He was born in January of this year, so he's about 7 months old, but he's already as big as Pluto. His lineage is unknown, so speculation is rampant. We might have to get one of those doggie DNA tests for him at some point. He was only at the shelter for a week; he was there because at his previous home, a dog attacked Thunder and two other dogs ... and for reasons known only to them, the owners kept the attack dog and took the other three to the shelter. Hmm. Anyway, he came with the name Thunder, and we're leaning toward keeping it. He is the sweetest boy, and we are all very happy with how it all worked out.

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