Sunday, May 14, 2017

happiest mother's day!

This week, when I was in Henry's class, busy helping the kids track the growth of their seeds, one kid got busted for doing something he shouldn't. Turns out he thought another kid was blocking the teacher's view of him. "Are you back there building a fort?" asked Mrs. U.

Before the kid could answer, and almost before I even knew what would come out of my mouth, I said, loud enough for the whole class to hear, "I built THREE Forts!" After about 15 seconds of silence, the first kid got it, and the next and the rest, and pretty soon everyone was sharing a moment of joyful laughter. And today, I feel just as joyful, because I built three Forts, and they are the best.

And of course, these three Forts wouldn't be possible without our own moms. We are so thankful to them both, and so glad we got to spend time with them today (and really, every time we get to spend time with them).

Happy Mother's Day!

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