Thursday, July 24, 2014

the champion!

The finals of the city tennis tournament were this morning, and Liam was playing against Nolan, a kid who clearly had a lot more tennis experience. We were hopeful but not overconfident when we got there and Nolan was already practicing pretty seriously with his dad. But once the game got going, Liam found his stride and breezed right through the first set, 6-2. He was on his way to doing the same in the second set and was up 5-2, but then he just ran out of juice, and Nolan hit the comeback trail to win the set 7-5. So they were tied at one set each, and the tiebreaker was a short round where the winner of each volley got a point, and the first one to get to 10 points was the winner. We were on the edge of our seats as they went 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, and so on. They fought hard for each point. But in the end, Liam prevailed, 10-7, becoming the city champion of the 10 and under group. We are so proud of him! Not just for winning, but because even when he was tired and he lost the second set, he never got frustrated or showed any kind of bad attitude. He just kept plugging away until he got his second wind, and he rode that all the way to the win. And after the game, he went out of his way to offer Nolan some kind words about what a good game he played and how well matched they were.

But really, I think his grin at the end says it all. Way to go, Liam!

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