Wednesday, September 02, 2009

waiting game

Hi there. Posting will probably continue to be pretty erratic as we wait for Baby #3 to arrive. I'm busy trying to wrap up some work projects in time to take a whopping three weeks off to give birth and recover, and Mike is busy trying to cover for me in all the household stuff I'm getting less and less able to do, and we're both busy trying to give the boys plenty of love and attention as they go through their school transitions and start adjusting to the fact that there really will be another person here soon, probably even this month. It's been especially hard for Max, who seems to already resent the new baby for making me unable to pick him (Max) up anymore, and for always being "in the way." I'm sure things will work out just fine once the baby is here, but right now we're all sort of stuck in a holding pattern.

In other news, Liam is doing very well in kindergarten. He loves telling us every day about the new things he's learning and the new friends he's making. Last night, my brother and his friend Steve came over to haul a bunch of furniture around for me (making room for baby) and Liam learned that J and Steve have been friends since second grade. I could see the wheels turning for him as he realized that maybe some of his current friends will still be his friends when he's a grown-up, too. I hope that is true for him.

Max moved into the preschool program at daycare, and he's having a great time, too. He's working hard on learning his letters and numbers. He's also eliminated his nap, which is sort of bittersweet for us because on the one hand, it makes him go to sleep easier at night, but on the other hand, it makes him (both of them, really) very cranky and irritable during the period after school but before bedtime. Hopefully they'll both adjust to their new routines soon (you know, just in time for us to throw another curveball at them by adding a sibling).

Anyway, be patient with our lack of posting for the next few weeks. We promise to let you know when we have some exciting news to share. The hospital has free WiFi, so we'll even be able to post a picture right away if we find the time, as long as we remember to bring the laptop. Which reminds me, I should get busy packing a bag and doing the hundred other things we still have left to do...

1 comment:

Editdebs Talks said...

Can't wait to hear news about the newest little Fort! I'll be checking back often. Lots of love to you all!