Friday, July 10, 2020

covid diary: day 121

Update: I did go to my mom's house after work to do laundry. All three boys wanted to come with, so Liam got some more driving time and we all got out of the house for a while. Jack was there when we got there, so he got time with his beloved cousins, and I got to see both of my sisters since Avalon came to pick up Jack and Bethany stopped by to give us some homemade strawberry jam. Bonus! Klaudia's home for the weekend, so she and baby Emeri stopped by with Bethany. So that's two parents, two sisters, one niece, one nephew, and one great-nephew. And two baskets of clean laundry and a container of strawberry jam. A perfect way to end the week.

This pandemic really, really, really sucks, but some days it's good to just sit and be grateful for the beautiful people I share my life with.

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