Saturday, February 09, 2019

max at thirteen

As of today, we have TWO teenagers in the house. The hormones! The drama! The attitude!

To be fair, the only one we really have a problem with is the last one, so I think we're getting off pretty lightly so far. (Yes, I realize we are barely into the teenage years, but you all know I'm a wide-eyed optimist. Or something.)

At 13, our Max is confident and loyal. He's so good with kids (with the notable exception of Henry) -- he's patient and attentive, and he genuinely loves spending time with them, especially his younger cousins. We think he would make a great pediatrician or teacher, though I'm not sure those areas are really where his interest is anymore. He's mostly helpful, loves cuddling with the dogs, and hates getting up early in the morning. He likes visiting new places, but he's perfectly happy hanging out at home or spending time with his friends.

That's what he's doing tonight, in fact: having a slumber party with four of his closest friends. We had originally planned to take his birthday trip this weekend, but Max wanted to make sure he was home on the actual day so he could see his friends and family, which is incredibly sweet. The boys are spending the night playing video games, watching movies, eating frozen pizzas, and just generally having a good time together. I'm sure they'll sleep late in the morning and then start playing games all over again. A 13-year-old's dream day.

So here's to Max, our irrepressible, charming, sneaky, funny, sweet newly minted teenager. We love you, and we can't wait to see what the next year brings!

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