Tuesday, June 12, 2018

divide and conquer

We had some debate over whether we wanted to return to Portsmouth Island or not this trip. Since we were a family divided, we decided to split up for the day. Mike took Max and Henry to Portsmouth, and Liam and I spent the day together.

First thing this morning, Liam and I took Pluto down to the beach to see the sunrise. It was pretty cloudy, so no glorious sunrise, but we found some shells (including a beautiful snail shell that was still occupied, so we returned it to the ocean), and Liam and Pluto got to spend plenty of time racing up and down the beach, chasing ghost crabs and each other.

We headed down to the docks around 10 to drop the travelers off, and we took a picture in the same place as both other times we've been here. The boys barely fit in that little boat anymore! (For reference, here they are in 2013 and in 2015.) After that, we had a nice chat with the boat's captain, who was pretty excited when he realized we had been there before and wanted to talk about the things that had changed. Especially interesting: In 2013, we loved seeing all the pelicans on Beacon Island on the way back to Ocracoke, but a hurricane ruined their habitat, so there were no pelicans there in 2015. But great news! The pelicans are back now and as cool as ever.

So Mike, Max, and Henry spent the day shelling, seeing cool birds (this green heron was there to greet them before they even got on the boat!), and swimming. Meanwhile, Liam and I took a long, meandering bike ride, stopping for some souvenirs and even getting ice cream. Eventually, Liam asked if we could go back home for a siesta. I can't remember the last time he got tired before me! So then we spent a couple hours with me working and him laying on the couch with his trusty dog on the floor by his side until it was time to go pick everyone else up.

The report from Portsmouth: Lots of olives, a couple scotch bonnets, a conch, and a ton of sanderlings, egrets, and pelicans. Also a lot of sun, swimming, and a complete decimation of all the snacks they brought with them. I'd call that an unqualified success!

Bonus: Somehow these guys weren't too tired to go with us to take a sunset walk with Pluto too!

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