Sunday, May 20, 2018

this kid

Despite having initially been the most reluctant member of our family, Henry has really gotten on board with the moving thing. He has worked SO HARD the past few days! We're really impressed. Yesterday morning, he spent a few hours with me and Avalon cleaning the old house and getting every last thing out of it. He found a rack of cassette tapes hiding in Mike's closet and got really excited because he thought they must be original Nintendo Entertainment System games (obviously he's never seen either of these things). 

For such a YouTube addict, it's been hard being without internet (*shakes fist in general direction of CenturyLink HQ*), so he's been happy to accompany me to the grocery store, where we could get coffee and take advantage of the free wifi so I could download work files and he could download ... videos about Minecraft, or whatever. Funny how much you don't realize you use internet until you have to go without. CenturyLink told me it would take a week for us to get a new modem that is compatible with our new service (*insert eye roll here*) but that night I woke up from a sound sleep, realized I could probably buy the modem on Amazon, and used my phone to do exactly that, with next-day delivery. So we're back in business, and I don't have to spend a week working from Grandpa's house. Which is a serious gift ... I love Gramps, but he loves listening to NPR at high volume all day long. (Note: I also love NPR, just not while I'm working.)

Henry has taken to the great outdoors (or our version of it) too. Mike showed him how to use the trimmer, so he's been clearing a path to the side door of the barn, through the overgrown pasture. Yes, we have a pasture AND a barn. We're still asking ourselves how this came to be.  

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