Saturday, March 10, 2018

spring saturday

We had to get out of the house for a couple of hours today, so we picked up the younger Kruyer kids and headed to Freedom Park, which is the newest park in town. It has all sorts of unusual equipment compared to the other parks. While we were on our way there, my brother called to see what we were doing, then he and Carleen met us at the park for a couple hours of playtime. And of course, J got in on the action, pushing the kids on the merry-go-round and trying out all the equipment along the way. So much fun!

After the park, J reminded me that Liam had a piece selected for the student art show at the local gallery. I'm glad he reminded me, or I might have forgotten to go see it! Anyway, we dropped off the cousins, then J and Carleen accompanied us to the art gallery, where we got to see Liam's rendition of a comic book ... villain? hero? ambiguously moral but utterly compelling antihero? I'm not sure, but I like his artwork!

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