Friday, February 23, 2018

the great flood

Friends, it's been a challenging week in Plymouth. In the span of 36 hours, it rained and rained and rained. Basically, in those 36 hours, we got the equivalent of a whole winter's worth of precipitation. And since the ground is still frozen and there was still snow on the ground that the rain subsequently melted ... there was really nowhere for all that water to go. (Note: These aren't my pictures, but they represent the flooding pretty well.)

The schools were open on Tuesday but have been closed since then. The river is supposed to crest tonight, and then the water will slowly recede, but so much damage has been done. We are lucky because our house is far enough away from the river that the flooding wasn't bad in our neighborhood. Which is not to say it didn't exist. Our house is up on a little hill, so we stayed dry, but you can see here that the bottom of our yard flooded, and that our neighbors had outright lakes (and most likely flooded basements).

I doubt schools will be open Monday, and it's going to be a long, long recovery for a lot of people and businesses. Yikes.

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