Monday, January 01, 2018

happy new year!

Happy 2018, friends! We're hoping it's an improvement on 2017. (I would say it has to be an improvement, but I don't want to press our collective luck.) We don't have any formal resolutions, but we are hoping to make some changes this year around the old CFHQ. For example, depending on how things go, we're hoping to get Pluto a companion (NOT in the breeding sense, oh no) so he doesn't feel so sad when his visitors go back home. Right now, Lily is visiting, and I have a feeling he will be seriously let down when she leaves tomorrow.

Anyway, we hope your year (and ours!) is filled with new and happy adventures, and plenty of time with the people you love. Here's to travel, and long meandering conversations, and walks in the woods, and finding a way to make a difference in the world. And here's to the people who know you best, and show you in unexpected ways. Like my mom, who made these perfect pillows for us for Christmas.

Friends, in short, here's to you!

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