Sunday, August 14, 2016

the fog has risen, or in this case, has fallen (and liam's return!)

Hey guys. Long time, no blog post. Trust me, I know that this is long overdue, but better late than never. Words of wisdom, I know. Anyways, let's get to the story.

So today, Mom (aka Holli) and I went kayaking at Potato Creek. On the drive there, we realized one thing: It was VERY foggy. I took some pictures of it.

So, yeah, it was foggy. After about five minutes, we turned down a road, and BAM! The fog was gone. If you want pictures of the non-foggy road, you're out of luck. I don't do non-foggy. So, Mom and I continued our drive.

After what seemed like 10 minutes (probably because it was 10 minutes!), we were there. Guess what we saw? I'm just going to say that if you guessed fog, you were half right. Don't worry, all of you who chose no fog! You are also half right! If you somehow happened to guess that there was only fog on the surface of the water, you are correct! You win ... nothing! I took some pictures as well, so don't you worry that I didn't.

No, it's not the only picture. It is, however, the only picture I took when we weren't on the water. We headed out on to the water to some strange driftwood creations. (Note: Not man-made.) It was foggy, and I (and Mom too, I guess) took some pictures.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about our friend, the blue heron. We were tangled in the driftwood (Mom by looking at it, and me literally tangled in it, as I will show you in a sec) and he just came flying out, yelling really loudly. I think he was angry, but you can't really tell from the picture.

Well, I think that is the end of our adventure, so until next time, this is Liam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful description of your adventure, Liam! Maybe sometime you would collect some small but interesting pieces of driftwood that I could work into an art project?