Wednesday, June 25, 2014

t-ball blues

Henry is having a challenging go his first year of t-ball. Or really, I should say that Henry's coaches are having a challenging go with Henry on their team. He routinely "quits the team" (stalks off and refuses to play for a while), throws his bat when he hits (those poor coaches move pretty fast to get out of the way), picks flowers or plays in the dirt (or mud, as we've had lately), and just generally acts like ... Henry. I think maybe we started him too young in a sport where there is a lot of standing around waiting for something to happen. Anyway, last night, after an inning filled with Henry alternately "quitting" and getting put in timeout for kicking his batting helmet, one of the coaches got the brilliant idea to have him play catcher. It was great! Sure, he spent most of the inning flirting with some girls who were standing behind the fence, but he also had to pay attention, and he had more to do than in all the previous games combined. Plus there is just something completely adorable about a little kid in all that gear. Here's hoping the coach is onto something good with this! (And next year, I'm thinking soccer might be a better fit for him.) 

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