Wednesday, May 07, 2014

live and learn

Evidently Henry isn't ready to visit the dog park yet. Charlie was great though! We took him for a walk first so he was too worn out to be his normal loud self. Where he would usually be racing along the fence, barking and growling and jumping, tonight he was like, "Oh, you're a dog too? That's great. I guess." And then he let Henry spray him with water, and then he laid down like a pig in slop. I bet it felt good, but I had terrible visions of Mike seeing a muddy people mover and flipping out. Luckily, we had a blanket in the van, so I cleared out the way back and spread out the blanket, basically making a crate behind the third row of seats. Let's hope it holds him long enough for Max to finish soccer practice so we can make a quick Dilly Bar run (they serve doggie ice cream bowls too!) then get this dirty dog home. 

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