Thursday, January 16, 2014

winter break/crafty beavers

Having all three boys home for two weeks for Christmas break while Mike and I still have to work can be a challenge. Having them home pretty much every weekday for the next two weeks *after* break because of snow/extreme cold brings the challenge to a whole other dimension. Our strategy is usually to try to keep them as busy as possible. It doesn't always work, and there is still plenty of time left for them to play video games and run wild through the house (and outside if it's warm enough) and bicker constantly. But at least we're trying.

We built a tin can robot with Liam.

 We made ice cream out of snow.

We broke geodes open with hammers and screwdrivers.

We helped Liam put together a 1,000-piece puzzle. (And Max and Henry put together 100-piece floor puzzles.)

Max built some model airplanes.

We made sand art.

We made and "erupted" a volcano.

We grew crystals.

We excavated dinosaur bones.

We also set up a whole room as a "crime scene" for Liam to investigate with a CSI kit he got from Johnny and Erin for Christmas. He had to use blacklight to find and take fingerprints, string up crime scene tape, and make a record of the thing. But we were too busy subjecting ourselves to printing and booking, so we didn't take any pictures.

At this point, we are just plain out of ideas, and so far beyond ready for winter to end. Too bad spring is still so far away...

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