Wednesday, April 11, 2012

totally alarmed

                                   Can I help you with something? Perhaps you
                                              have an alarm I can sound?

Longtime readers may remember one of the most mortifying days of my career as a mother. Today, I got to relive those precious moments over the phone with the daycare director, who told me that Henry had managed to pull the exact same alarm that Liam did all those years ago. Luckily, they figured it out before the fire department was dispatched to the scene and the building was evacuated. But the question remains: Can I ever show my face in that place again? Milene and I were actually thinking about going to a service there (it's a church) but now I'm thinking (though the director assured me that they wouldn't) that people will just point and laugh the whole time because I'm THAT MOM with the out-of-control boys who can't keep their hands off the fire alarms.

You also know, if you've been around me more than, say, 2.5 minutes, that I always say that Henry is worse than the other two put together. More demanding, more into everything, just ... more. And here is my proof that he is a gifted little menace: Liam was two weeks shy of his third birthday when he pulled his stunt; Henry is fast tracking things at only 2 years, 7 months, and 2 days. Milestones, people! This is definitely one for the books.

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