Monday, September 19, 2011

apple picking

This year, we got our act together early and managed to figure out when the Honeycrisp (the perfect apple) season began. So off we went Saturday morning to pick some, along with some inferior but nevertheless pleasing to the boys Golden Delicious. And wow, did we hit the timing just right for this expedition! Blue skies, just a hint of fall chill in the air, and early enough in the season that the crowds weren't overwhelming. The stars aligned, and boys and parents were all in good moods at the same time. We ended up with four bags of apples, three happy boys who got to run (and climb!) out a lot of energy, and one delicious batch of homemade apple muffins the next morning. We also stopped on the way back to play apple fairies to my parents, who made delicious looking fried apples with them. Oh! And in "something for everyone" news, on the way back I spotted some blow molds at a yard sale! I made Mike turn around on the highway, which he was not happy about, and then park by the side of the highway, which he was even more unhappy about, and went up to the sale, hoping against hope that they were in my price range (that is, the amount of cash I had left after spending an outrageous $30 on apples). Score! I got Santa, Mrs. Claus, and two candy canes for $18. I've been looking for some for a while now, and they are usually not that cheap. So this might even be the year that CFHQ finally gets it together enough to do outdoor decorations! Stay tuned.

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