Thursday, May 27, 2010

spring concert

Max and Henry had their spring concert this week, and Liam was very excited to finally get an audience member perspective on the proceedings instead of having to perform. He gave us his prediction for the show:

The program itself started with the younger kids group. Henry was probably the youngest one, and he didn't quite live up to Liam's expectations, but he was definitely in the spirit of things (you can hear him squealing in excitement):

It should be noted that X, the baby next to Henry, is at least six months older, but barely any taller. So even though Henry's kind of shripmy compared to where Liam and Max were at that age, he's still quite tall. Anyway, after the little kids joined their parents in the audience (or, in Henry's case, a parent, sibling, aunt, and Yami), the big kids took over. They did six or seven songs, and culminated in this impressive finale. Apologies if you wanted to see all the kids, but there's only one I really cared about so I focused on him.

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