Sunday, March 14, 2010

missing something

So, I've been away for a little while. In case you didn't hear, a week ago Saturday we had a little excitement: I got appendicitis and had to have emergency late-night surgery. Luckily, we figured out what it was and got to the hospital fairly early, so my appendix didn't rupture before the surgeon could get there, and he was able to fix me up laprascopically. I've had a lifting restriction for the past week (couldn't even lift Henry, which meant that I had to line up babysitters ... for me!) but I'm feeling lots better now. Normal posting will resume now, and hopefully I'll be able to climb the mountain of work I've got right now and get caught up so I can be on a more regular schedule.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I'm glad you're better! How scary...